Articles by Caleb Wheeler

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About Caleb Wheeler (3 Articles)
Caleb is a third-year law student at Campbell Law and currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Campbell Law Observer. Being from the Western part of North Carolina, Caleb calls Lincolnton, North Carolina, home. He completed undergraduate studies at Pensacola Christian College where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in History with a minor in English. After his first year in law school, Caleb interned at Calhoun Law where he took part in matters of civil litigation. Caleb has also served as the Vice-President of the Christian Legal Society where he leads a Bible study for men. Caleb has also interned with the Williams Law Firm in Hickory, NC, partaking in real estate transactions and other transactional work related to business law and estate planning. His interests are criminal defense, real estate transactions, nonprofits, business law, and estates.
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What Would Howard Do?

October 18, 2019

As I walked into the office of Howard Cummings, I immediately noticed something that captured my attention. In the back corner of his office sat a wooden candy dispenser with an upside-down Mason jar screwed on the top. Propped against the side of that candy jar was a black Sharpie message written on a yellow piece of card-stock paper that said, “What would Howard do?” For some reason, I couldn’t forget that candy jar. Maybe because of the personal nostalgia attached to similar candy [...]

It’s Not A Heart Issue: A look into the recent abortion war in Iowa

April 14, 2019

When it comes to a woman’s right to an abortion, the spotlight has recently been focused on New York. However, recently there has been an abortion war in Iowa where two battles that took place that ended in a victory for the pro-abortion activists. The first battle that took place was the fight in the Iowa legislature to stop a new restrictive abortion law from being passed. The second battle consisted of the fight that ensued in the Iowa courts after the bill was signed into law. The [...]