Articles by Calley Gerber

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About Calley Gerber (1 Articles)
Calley Gerber is the founding attorney of the Gerber Animal Law Center, a firm dedicated solely to animal legal issues. Her practice includes such things as assisting persons when their companion animals have been wrongly harmed, advising nonprofits and other entities engaged in animal-related activities, and speaking and writing on animal legal issues. Ms. Gerber was the program planner and a speaker at the first Animal Law continuing legal education seminar at the North Carolina Bar Association in 2008. She has authored/co-authored various articles, regularly speaks on animal law topics and sits on the Board of Directors for several animal organizations. She also is an adjunct professor, teaching Animal Law at Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law and the University of North Carolina School of Law.
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The Rise of Animal Law

July 9, 2012

You hear about the stories, see them on television, read about them on the Internet – tales of horrendous animal abuse and neglect.  Whether the story is of a dog being dragged behind someone’s car and fighting for his life or the cat who is lit on fire or stabbed during a domestic altercation and survives, there are regularly tremendous stories of harmed animals flooding our senses.  And it is more than companion animals.  There are the atrocities which surface through undercover video [...]