Articles by Johnny Hutchens, Senior Staff Writer Emeritus

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About Johnny Hutchens, Senior Staff Writer Emeritus (19 Articles)
Johnny Hutchens is a 2017 graduate of Campbell Law School and served as a Senior Staff Writer for the Campbell Law Observer. He is originally from Charlotte and graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. The summer following his first year, he interned as a research assistant for Professor Collins in the Legal Research and Writing department at Campbell.
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As ITT liquidates, stranded students speculate

September 26, 2016

After allegations of fraud and misrepresentation, ITT Technical Institute has declared bankruptcy. While shutting the school down prevents students from enrolling in the sham of a school, problems remain for both the student’s futures as well as taxpayers. [...]

2016: A legal odyssey

May 30, 2016

It is hard enough to get a job right now in the legal profession. Now, attorneys not only have to worry about other competitive employees, but super computers programmed to handle legal issues. [...]
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