Articles by Katelyn Heath, Ethics Editor Emeritus
About Katelyn Heath, Ethics Editor Emeritus (20 Articles)
Katelyn Heath is a 2017 graduate of Campbell Law School and served as the Ethics Editor for the Campbell Law Observer during the 2016-2017 academic year. She is from Salisbury, North Carolina and graduated from UNC-Charlotte with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Criminal Justice in 2014. Following her first year of law school she attended Baylor Law Schools Academy of the Advocate in Scotland. She is also currently working for Marshall and Taylor PLLC, a local family law firm.
View the Proposed Ethics Opinion in Full Here A proposed ethics opinion entitled “Contesting Opposing Counsel’s Fee Request to Industrial Commission” was proposed on January 21, 2016. The proposed opinion considers whether a defense lawyer for an employer and a workers’ compensation insurance carrier can contest the fee request of plaintiffs counsel with a meritorious basis and standing. The inquiry that led to the proposed opinion stated that the lawyer sought a twenty-five percent
Given North Carolina’s history with redistricting and its continuous struggle with gerrymandering district lines, a recent lawsuit regarding the 2011 redistricting forced North Carolina legislators to take another look at the district lines.
Seattle successfully passes a tax on firearm sales within its City limits despite NRA’s efforts to block the tax.
The North Carolina Court of Appeals held that a spouse crying was not a “communication” covered under martial privilege for purposes of determining whether a spouse could testify that her spouse cried in reaction to reading a newspaper article.
Should physician-assisted suicide in terminally ill patients be legalized? The California State Legislature has passed a bill saying that it can. What legal implications may arise?