Articles by Kelley Beck

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About Kelley Beck (2 Articles)
Kelley is a third-year student at Campbell University School of Law. She is a North Carolina native and originally from Cary. Kelley received her Bachelor's degree in Political Science with a History concentration from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. Kelley has interned with both the North Carolina Department of Labor Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Bureau and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Additionally, Kelley serves as the Treasurer of Law Students Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Club here at Campbell. Kelley's professional interests include employment law and constitutional jurisprudence.

Will Forbidding Questions About Salary History Help Close the Wage Gap?

March 20, 2020

Should employers ask you about your salary history when interviewing you for a job? The growing trend says no, and many argue this question is unnecessary to find the perfect candidates for job openings. City and state governments are contemplating this question in an effort to close the wage gap between male and female employees. Since 2017, there have been seventeen state-wide laws and twenty local ordinances across the country addressing this issue. Some of these prohibitions prevent only [...]

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Sexual Orientation is a Protected Class in the Workplace

February 16, 2020

The United States Supreme Court heard some of the most anticipated legal issues of the October court term.  Among these cases, the Court will decide whether Title VII in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), one of the fundamental federal employment discrimination statutes, covers sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace.  Currently, Title VII explicitly prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.  The statute has never been [...]