Articles by Kevin Cline

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About Kevin Cline (3 Articles)
Kevin is a third-year student at Campbell School of Law and currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Campbell Law Observer. Hailing from the foothills of the Tar Heel State, he is from Conover, North Carolina. Prior to law school, Kevin majored in Political Science and History at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. Beginning the summer after his first year in law school and continuing through his second year, he interns at Tarlton|Polk PLLC where he takes part in criminal defense matters at both the State and Federal level. While at Campbell Law, he is a member of The Campbell Law Softball team and is pursuing an LL.M in Legal Practice through Nottingham Trent University. He is interested in criminal law and procedure, real estate transactions, and construction law.

Leandro: The Constitutional Battleground For A Sound Education

April 24, 2020

After more than twenty years of litigation, Wake County Superior Court Judge David Lee signed a consent order in Leandro v. State, adopting the recommendations of a study conducted by WestEd.  The 34-page order, released January 21, 2020, reignited a divisive constitutional issue regarding separation of powers and the right to a sound education. Background The Leandro legal battle began in 1994 after five rural school districts sued the State over their inability to provide an education equal [...]

Is that Legal Hemp or Illegal Marijuana? Essential Differences and the Consequences of Treating Them the Same

November 22, 2019

The 2019 North Carolina Farm Bill looks to ban smokable hemp throughout the state.  The North Carolina House of Representatives and Senate are at odds choosing a date to ban smokable hemp.  One side wants to accommodate law enforcement’s request to ban hemp, while the other side wants to make sure local farmers are protected. The legalization of smokable hemp creates issues in relation to law enforcement’s ability to establish probable cause based on the odor or appearance of marijuana.  [...]