Ethics and Professionalism

Discussing current ethics and professionalism issues in the practice of law, including commentary on ethics opinions and guest contributions from local attorneys.

Seven Dirty Words in Lawyer Advertising

December 10, 2013

OK, so the words are not really dirty, indecent, or obscene, and their use won’t get you arrested — a la George Carlin. But there are certain words or phrases a NC attorney should be wary of when creating a webpage or an advertisement. These are words or phrases that can get you in trouble unless you are careful about how you use them and, in some cases, unless you include disclaimer language. By the way, this is not an exclusive list, but it does include some of the usual language that trips up attorneys. ...[Continue Reading]

Note from the Editor

October 23, 2013

Bringing the Campbell Law Observer online in March 2012 was just the first step in bringing the only publication of its kind in North Carolina to fruition.  The editorial team, led by Editor-in-Chief Emeritus John Hardin, undertook the substantial task of transitioning a print-only publication ...[Continue Reading]
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