Legislative and Policy
Highlighting state and national legislative news, focusing on some of the most important policy issues of the day.
Defendant lawmakers argue the shifting of voters was a ripple effect required to remedy the constitutional defects.
The debate surrounding North Carolina’s Certificate of Need (“CON”) Law is not new, nor has a clear winner ever been declared. That may be about to change. A 2018 lawsuit filed by a Winston Salem surgeon will potentially set the stage for courts to declare a winner. North Carolina’s CON law requires healthcare providers to obtain approval from the state (a CON) prior to expanding their facilities or purchasing certain types of equipment. Dr. Gajendra Singh, the surgeon behind
Due to the drastic increase of the number of scooters, as well as legitimate concerns for public safety, Raleigh City Council scrambled to propose new regulations to restrict the use of electric scooters while providing protections for pedestrians and motorists.
Former Adidas representatives are the first to be handed verdicts in the college basketball corruption trial.
The recently enacted NC Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOP) Act of 2017 has begun to address the opioid epidemic in North Carolina and target the destructive impact opioid abuse has on North Carolinians.
North Carolina is one of a handful of states which have not specifically addressed the increasingly common issue of “sexting,” leaving many children unknowingly vulnerable to felonious consequences.
Pennsylvania passes a law to curb animal cruelty by holding pet owners more accountable.
After passing the well-known “Brunch Bill” into law, North Carolinians now have another reason to rise early on Sundays beyond the call to worship or worshipping football.
A flurry of legislation has been proposed across the country over the last few months in an attempt to regulate the growing number of public protests.
Juvenile Justice Reform Comes to NC Edits
After a contentious confirmation hearing, Jeff Sessions is the new Attorney General and the rest of the country is poised to see if he performs his new role consistent with his conservative record.
Puerto Rico pleads for a bailout to their debt crisis.
Only 2 weeks into his presidency, President Donald Trump, along with Congressional Republicans, seek to dismantle financial regulations.
Passing grades are not given away on Capitol Hill.
A string of endless changes appear to be on the horizon for Obamacare in the upcoming months.