Legislative and Policy

Highlighting state and national legislative news, focusing on some of the most important policy issues of the day.

Why does North Carolina’s Certificate of Need Law Matter? It depends who you ask

February 1, 2019

The debate surrounding North Carolina’s Certificate of Need (“CON”) Law is not new, nor has a clear winner ever been declared.  That may be about to change.  A 2018 lawsuit filed by a Winston Salem surgeon will potentially set the stage for courts to declare a winner.  North Carolina’s CON law requires healthcare providers to obtain approval from the state (a CON) prior to expanding their facilities or purchasing certain types of equipment.  Dr. Gajendra Singh, the surgeon behind [...]

NC puts a STOP to the opioid epidemic

March 15, 2018

The recently enacted NC Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOP) Act of 2017 has begun to address the opioid epidemic in North Carolina and target the destructive impact opioid abuse has on North Carolinians. [...]

The price of protest

June 30, 2017

A flurry of legislation has been proposed across the country over the last few months in an attempt to regulate the growing number of public protests. [...]

Repealing Obamacare

January 23, 2017

A string of endless changes appear to be on the horizon for Obamacare in the upcoming months. [...]
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