
Covering some of the most interesting topics of the CLO, this section highlights diverse areas of law, including sports and entertainment.

Need a Lyft?

February 22, 2016

Lyft has agreed to settle a lawsuit filed against the company for worker misclassification for $12.25 million. [...]

A lawsuit with a side of guac, please

February 8, 2016

Chipotle’s troubles are far from over; after food safety concerns investors are suing and a federal criminal investigation has been launched against the popular restaurant chain. [...]

As the Super Bowl nears, cities face relocation fears

February 1, 2016

With the recent St. Louis Rams football team moving to Los Angeles, and claiming the “State of the Art” Clause to get out of their contract with the city of St. Louis, questions arise regarding the conscionability and legality of such clauses in permitting professional football teams to just up and leave a city. [...]

A Juicy Lawsuit

October 19, 2015

Welch Foods is under fire for allegedly inferring that its fruit snacks are healthy, without actually stating that the snacks are healthy. [...]

Victimizing Yourself

October 19, 2015

Can minors be charged and convicted for possession and distribution of child pornography for having naked selfies of themselves on their phones? In North Carolina, the answer is yes. [...]
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