Public Interest Law

Focusing on local, state, and national topics in areas of public concern, including education, public policy, and constitutional matters.

No Immunity for You

February 20, 2014

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied qualified immunity to the Governor of South Carolina in a lawsuit filed by the protest group Occupy Columbia. [...]

Johnson & Johnson fined $2.2 Billion for off-label promotion of drugs and kickback allegations

January 15, 2014

Once upon a time, a pharmaceutical company gave free rein to its sales force to market a product in order to recoup money spent on research and discovery without any fear from governmental interference.  Those times no longer end in happily ever after—or do they?  With the rise of healthcare fraud, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) have scrutinized the health and safety of patients starting from a manufacturer’s development of a drug through its [...]

Human rights violations in the international context

January 13, 2014

BY: Sarah Murray, Guest Contributor  Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer has partnered with Judge Paul C. Ridgeway, Resident Superior Court Judge of the 10th Judicial District, to provide students from his International Business Litigation and Arbitration seminar the opportunity to have their research papers published with the CLO.  The following article is one of many guest contributions from Campbell Law students to be published over the next two weeks. A quick search of [...]

Kansas lawsuit aims to remove evolution from science standards

January 2, 2014

A new lawsuit filed by Citizens for Objective Public Education (COPE) aims to remove evolution from the curriculum in Kansas public schools.  COPE’s self described objective is for children to “have the right to be objectively informed about controversial explanations that impact religious beliefs, rather than be indoctrinated to accept a particular explanation.” The lawsuit (pdf) specifically targets freedom of religion rights for both students and parents.  COPE argues that [...]

Possibility of a new murder trial for Brad Cooper

October 3, 2013

A unanimous decision by the North Carolina Court of Appeals ordered a new murder trial for Cooper last week, citing rulings made by Wake County Superior Court Judge Paul Gessner that allowed certain computer evidence and excluded a defense witness. [...]
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