Public Interest Law

Focusing on local, state, and national topics in areas of public concern, including education, public policy, and constitutional matters.

How do you say no when you cannot say no?

November 16, 2015

When it comes to refugees seeking asylum in the European Union (“EU”), it is not as easy as “just saying no.” Legally speaking, human rights trump all, regardless of the cost. This has created a Catch-22 that is testing the mettle of the twenty-eight member states. [...]

Not knowing where to go when you have to go

November 9, 2015

The Obama administration is voicing its support for Gavin Grimm, a sixteen-year-old transgender boy who was recently told by a federal judge that he is not allowed to use the boy’s bathroom. [...]

The Cake is Not a Lie

August 24, 2015

Religious freedom is not an excuse for discrimination, says the Colorado Court of Appeals. [...]

May I vote please?

August 4, 2015

The systematic change in North Carolina election laws and the lasting impact of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 [...]
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