Public Interest Law
Focusing on local, state, and national topics in areas of public concern, including education, public policy, and constitutional matters.
When it comes to refugees seeking asylum in the European Union (“EU”), it is not as easy as “just saying no.” Legally speaking, human rights trump all, regardless of the cost. This has created a Catch-22 that is testing the mettle of the twenty-eight member states.
The Obama administration is voicing its support for Gavin Grimm, a sixteen-year-old transgender boy who was recently told by a federal judge that he is not allowed to use the boy’s bathroom.
A United States citizen applying for refugee status in Canada based on fear for his life due to his race hopes to be one of the very few refugee applicants who is granted refugee status. Whether his application will be granted will be determined on whether his fear is “well-founded.”
Muslim teen gets arrested and suspended after bringing a clock to school; his father asserts Islamophobia for the reasoning behind drastic measures taken by the school and police.
Should the standard for excessive force be different for when police encounters a child?
Federal district court rules that students who experience traumatic events while growing up could be considered disabled.
The implications of the United States’ H-2 visa program.
The arrest of undocumented Mexican citizen, Blanca Borrego, implicates HIPPA laws and the need for immigration reform.
Federal court rules that a Mexican transgender citizen is protected from deportation under the UN Convention against Torture.
Citizens of California are waiting to see if Governor Jerry Brown will sign Senate Bill 358, also known as the Fair Pay Act, into law to equalize pay between men and women.
California recently reached a settlement agreement in a lawsuit filed by prisoners who had been indefinitely placed in solitary confinement that aims at returning thousands of isolated prisoners to general population.
Religious freedom is not an excuse for discrimination, says the Colorado Court of Appeals.
From Michael Brown to Eric Garner to most recently Sandra Bland; the United States has a serious policing problem.
The EEOC ruled to ban workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation as an interpretation of workplace gender bias.
The systematic change in North Carolina election laws and the lasting impact of the Voting Rights Act of 1965