
The Ethics and Implications of Classical Conditioning

January 21, 2024

Behavior modification is a simple concept with complex implications.  Simply put, behavior modification “conditions” the participant to engage or cease a behavior through “learning.”  The premise of changing behavior is easily understood when the participant consents. [...]

The Campbell Law Veterans Pro Bono Project: Discharge Upgrades

May 21, 2021

For two out of my three years at Campbell Law, I had the honor to serve as one of the Managing Partners for the Student Pro Bono Council’s Veterans Project. The Project was able to transition from not having any pro bono services to now the most recent recipient of the Outstanding Project in Pro Bono and Public Service award. This was all due to our recent restructuring of the Project and mission related to providing pro bono discharge upgrade services for veterans. Read below to learn more about the Project and the discharge upgrade process. [...]

Insurrection at the Capitol Revives Debate Over Statute Outlawing Domestic Terrorism

January 19, 2021

Currently, there is no federal law or crime that directly addresses and outlaws “domestic terrorism.” Thus, domestic terrorism is not a chargeable criminal offense. Despite the fact that lawmakers, experts, and the media have identified the reprehensible events of January 6th as domestic terrorism, prosecutors cannot actually charge the rioters specifically with domestic terrorism. [...]

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Sexual Orientation is a Protected Class in the Workplace

February 16, 2020

The United States Supreme Court heard some of the most anticipated legal issues of the October court term.  Among these cases, the Court will decide whether Title VII in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), one of the fundamental federal employment discrimination statutes, covers sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace.  Currently, Title VII explicitly prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.  The statute has never been [...]

Student Servitude: The Pedagogy and Peonage

January 24, 2020

“A man in debt is so far a slave.”[1] These are the words Ralph Waldo Emerson uses in his 1860 essay, Wealth, to succinctly lay bare the concept of debt. Though Mr. Emerson likely did not foresee the looming—and now present—crisis of student loan debt in the United States, his words encapsulate the existence of more than 44 million Americans today. These citizens, saddled by student loan debt, are trapped in an indentured state of existence. Consider that figure in this context: it is [...]