
Articles discussing lawsuits filed across the country under a variety of circumstances.

Florida Woman Files “Tester” Suit(s)

January 22, 2024

Laufer, a Florida woman who qualifies as a disabled person, holds herself out to be “an advocate of the rights of similarly situated disabled persons.” As such, this Floridian crusader, albeit un-caped, has filed over 600 lawsuits with the goal of enforcing Title III of the ADA. [...]

Will gerrymandering in North Carolina ever come to an end?

February 29, 2016

Given North Carolina’s history with redistricting and its continuous struggle with gerrymandering district lines, a recent lawsuit regarding the 2011 redistricting forced North Carolina legislators to take another look at the district lines. [...]

Need a Lyft?

February 22, 2016

Lyft has agreed to settle a lawsuit filed against the company for worker misclassification for $12.25 million. [...]

A lawsuit with a side of guac, please

February 8, 2016

Chipotle’s troubles are far from over; after food safety concerns investors are suing and a federal criminal investigation has been launched against the popular restaurant chain. [...]
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