The newest articles featured on our homepage.
As the number of patent suits increases, SCOTUS is now questioning whether there is an actual statute of limitations on this concept.
A new bill would allow craft beer breweries to distribute more beer, making them more competitive with national brands.
Prosecutors in the Aaron Hernandez double murder trial brought testimony about the meaning of a few tattoos the former NFL star received within months after the crimes they say he allegedly committed in 2012.
HB2 was repealed by the General Assembly, and has been replace by House Bill 142, a less restrictive bill, which still leaves some voters unhappy.
Judge Anuar Gonzales Hemadi dismisses sexual assault case because there was no evidence that it was done “to satisfy sexual desire.”
After proposing budget cuts to every department except those related to the military or border security, Trump has angered both Democrats and Republicans.
The rising routes and alternatives to getting a law license include the end of traditional college.
As the UK begins sorting out the details of its breakup with the EU, “Brexit” is certain to cause repercussions for many years to come.
How states are avoiding the constitutional requirements of the electoral college.
The Supreme Court carves out an exception to the validity of a jury verdict for racial bias in jury deliberations.
After paying back profits from a lucrative stock trade, Mickelson is named in the witness list of a notorious sports gambler in an insider trading trial.
Should wood still be used in large apartment buildings?
Veterans who have been appointed a guardian due to physical or mental incapacity, may now have more accessibility to firearms.
Senator Robert Menendez will have to face his corruption charges after the Supreme Court declined to hear his appeal.
The rising interest in private space travel creates a variety of legal issues.