The newest articles featured on our homepage.
Russian roulette leaves Flynn jobless
Michael Flynn is forced to resign after it is confirmed that he spoke with Russians about sanctions imposed by President Obama. [...]
“Dr. Death” is finally behind bars
Neurosurgeon Christopher Duntsch terrorized patients for years after they trusted him under the knife. [...]
Betsy Ross, add another star…for $70 billion dollars
Puerto Rico pleads for a bailout to their debt crisis. [...]
Walking the circuit tightrope?
A re-invigorated bill proposed in the 115th Congressional Session this month could spell for a potential shakeup in the Ninth Circuit Judiciary. [...]
The NFL’s attempt to suppress wages of their cheerleaders may violate the Anti-trust act. [...]
Baylor University faces serious allegations of Title IX violations.
In a recent lawsuit, the Baylor football program is under fire for their inappropriate recruiting tactics and the behavior of its players. [...]
Blanket drug testing of college students declared unconstitutional
The Eighth Circuit held that a college’s mandatory drug testing policy constitutes an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment. [...]
Trainspotting in the 21st Century
The United States is facing a massive health crisis in the face of epidemic opioid addiction rates. But what are we doing about it? [...]
Making small town America great again starts with you.
What makes America great has never left; we have just forgotten about it. [...]
The Uniform Bar Exam, next stop: North Carolina
North Carolina has taken its first step in administering the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). [...]
President Trump wastes no time shaking things up
President Trump’s executive order on immigration has sparked outrage from some, and praise from others. [...]
Trump administration targets Dodd-Frank Act
Only 2 weeks into his presidency, President Donald Trump, along with Congressional Republicans, seek to dismantle financial regulations. [...]
Smart contracts and their potential applications in the legal profession
Smart contracts not only support crypto currencies like Bitcoin, but also offer features that make the software appealing for improving the current state of contract law. [...]
Secretary of Education nominee, Betsy DeVos, faces severe criticism after her confirmation hearing fumbles.
Passing grades are not given away on Capitol Hill. [...]