State Law

North Carolina’s Looming Constitutional Crisis

April 17, 2024

Legislative change, especially on a state level, is often a result of active constituents who contact their legislators time and time again until either the funds or dedication sets bills in motion. Legislators will focus on pleasing their constituents to ensure favorable results in upcoming elections, so how will students who are unable to vote until they are 18 years old be able to influence the enactment of similar legislation protecting their rights? [...]

The Future of Data Privacy in the United States

February 7, 2024

As federal policymakers research and draft data privacy legislation for the entire country to follow, there is tension between these state acts and the federal government’s plan for the future of data privacy in America. [...]

North Carolina Lighthouses: Shedding Light on Our State’s History

February 15, 2022

Lighthouses were born out of necessity—to guide mariners into harbors and to warn them of perilous shoals, shallows, and coastlines.  To those seafarers, lighthouses soon became symbols of hope, safety, and home. North Carolina is fortunate enough to have seven historic lighthouses.  Having survived hundreds of years along our coastline, battling not only hurricanes and shifting sands, but also legal disputes, these lighthouses remain steadfast because of preservation efforts by the [...]