
Stand Your Ground, But Only If Reasonably Necessary

May 20, 2012

In a previous article, the Campbell Law Observer discussed the recent changes to North Carolina’s “castle doctrine,” which created a statutory presumption of a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm when a person uses deadly force to defend himself in his home, vehicle, or ...[Continue Reading]

Is Your Smartphone Smart Enough to Evade the Police?

April 20, 2012

With each new generation of the iPhone or the release of a new Android application, the capabilities of cell phones and the information they can store increase exponentially. In a time of ever-growing technology and intense competition for a piece of the market share, even the “dumbest” of ...[Continue Reading]

Objection, Hearsay :(

April 17, 2012

As lawyers (or aspiring lawyers) we pride ourselves on our ability to interpret language or the intended meaning behind various assertions.  Let’s put this skill to a little test. Consider the following two text messages from John: 1) “I don’t know if Bubba will be able to make it to the a ...[Continue Reading]

Is a Man’s Home Really His Castle?

April 17, 2012

The nationwide outcry over the recent shooting of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch coordinator in Florida has renewed the public debate about self defense laws.  Collectively referred to as the “castle doctrine,” states have enacted various forms of statutes that ...[Continue Reading]

The Future of Fracking in North Carolina

April 16, 2012

Why North Carolina? North Carolina is situated in the middle of a controversial debate about the extraction of natural gas, which can be used as an energy resource.  Hydraulic fracturing, known colloquially as fracking, has been the center of discussion among community leaders, lawmakers, and ...[Continue Reading]

North Carolina: No Longer Open For Business

April 10, 2012

Imagine being a ten-year-old child in the foster system, growing up believing that no person truly loves you and feeling as if you are only seen as a quick solution to a monetary need. Feeling lonely and desperate, you run away. Running away seems like a great option because this way, you become ...[Continue Reading]
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