Articles by Laura Della Badia

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About Laura Della Badia (4 Articles)
Laura Ashleigh Della Badia is a third-year student at Campbell University School of Law and currently serves as a Staff Writer for the Campbell Law Observer. At Campbell Law, she also hosts the Campbell Law Reporter and she is President of the Intellectual Property Law Society. She is also the recipient of the Book Award for receiving the highest grade in Copyright Law. Della Badia graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington magna cum laude with a B.A. in Communication Studies, a B.F.A. in Creative Writing, and the Certificate in Publishing. At UNCW, she was the news producer and anchor for Seahawk Central News, TealTV, director for the political talk show WingSpan, and secretary/treasurer for the Communication Studies Society, and she was actively involved in Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society for Communication Studies and the Association for Campus Entertainment. While she loves Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, she is currently enjoying her hometown of Raleigh. She is passionate about the publishing industry and loves participating in the different aspects of it. She was the managing editor for the book In Our Nature: an Anthology and was on the editorial team for the Chautauqua Literary Journal. Her short story "Checkmate" and her award-winning short stories "Healing Feathers," "Escapism," and "If I Could" have appeared in various issues of the Adelaide Literary Magazine. Her short story “Scacco Matto” appeared in the In Our Nature: an Anthology book. She was also a staff writer for her high school newspaper, The Mycenaean, and recipient of the TJ Collins Creative Writing Award.