Campbell News
Informing CLO readers about the latest events and accomplishments at Campbell Law School.
[Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer is taking a break from its usual editorial cycle to present first-person accounts from our law students who have enjoyed summer internships across the nation. This is the second of four submissions to be published during the first week of the fall of 2013 semester.] For the last nine weeks, I had the great privilege of interning with the New York State Office of the Attorney General Civil Rights Bureau. Surrounded by brilliant attorneys who truly
By: Caroline Gregory, 3L at Campbell University’s School of Law
Editor’s Note: Judge Leonard has been appointed as the next dean of Campbell’s School of Law, effective July 15, 2013. The Campbell Law Observer and the Campbell Law Review are pleased to honor our new dean, Judge Rich Leonard, with the following article by Chief Judge Doub. None of us were greatly surprised at the opportunity to become Dean of the Campbell Law School recently afforded to Judge J. Rich Leonard. What a great opportunity and what a perfect fit for such a talented
In 1979, the Campbell Law Observer was founded as one of only two legal publications at Campbell Law School, and the legal periodical provided a media platform–albeit entirely in paper format and produced semi-annually–to address emerging issues in law and public policy for the legal discourse community in North Carolina. The Founding Editor Hugh Franklin created a plaque to recognize the service and dedications of successive Editors of the Law Observer. When we assumed the
The first time I had the privilege of hearing Professor Anderson lecture, he made the comment, “You can’t go kicking the beehive and then asking the bees for honey.” It was one of the most brilliant, absurd things I’d ever heard, and I’ll never forget it. I’m sure there are many more “Anderson moments” out there as everyone who has met Professor Anderson—whether in the classroom, the courtroom, or the Carlie-C’s down near Buie’s Creek—has certainly met one of the Greats.
Melissa Essary It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the new and improved Campbell Law Observer. For decades, this publication has served as a vehicle for disseminating legal journalism across the state. Attorneys, judges and students received the Campbell Law Observer in print format and were able to read about current legal topics, legislative developments and were provided with editorials from bright Campbell Law students. While many understandably cherish the touch of
Reputation and recognition are important aspects of the legal profession, permeating through the activities of law students and attorneys on a daily basis. As Campbell Law students, we are all acutely aware of reputation as we compete with the likes of Duke and North Carolina law students. We are both proud of the esteem that Campbell graduates are held within the state but also cognizant of law school rankings and terms like “regional law school.” Luckily, we have the
On Friday, March 16, the Campbell Law Review hosted their annual symposium at Campbell Law School. Entitled, “The New Global Convergence: Intellectual Property, Increasing Prosperity, and Economic Networks in the Twenty-First Century,” the symposium focused on intellectual property in the expanding global legal community through various presentations and panel discussions featuring 13 leading scholars and practitioners from around the country. “The symposium was a huge success. We