Ethics and Professionalism
Discussing current ethics and professionalism issues in the practice of law, including commentary on ethics opinions and guest contributions from local attorneys.
A report commissioned by the University of Oregon surrounding a professor’s Halloween costume at a party, has raised concerns for advocates of the First Amendment.
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore faces backlash after issuing an order for state judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, in direct conflict with the Supreme court of the United States.
Kathleen Kane, once a rising star in Pennsylvania politics, had to resign following her criminal convictions based on a grand jury media leak.
How the Supreme Court’s most recent decision concerning affirmative action in college admissions could have just re-set the clock on racial relations on college campuses across the country.
As costs of tuition increase, more college students are turning to alternative methods to pay for their education, including “sugar daddy” websites, where young women have relationships with men for payment.
A new, popular, lawyer rating and legal services website may cause ethical issues with attorneys in North Carolina and issues similar to that of the North Carolina State Bar’s problem with LegalZoom.
Is it permissible for a judge to require someone found guilty to either pay the fee or give a pint of blood?
The North Carolina State Bar ruled that Gretchen Engel, an attorney who participated in the first case heard under the Racial Justice Act, did not violate the Rules of Processional Conduct for attorneys. A complaint was filed anonymously against Engel charging her with providing inaccurate information to the judge presiding over the case. The disciplinary panel of the State Bar found that Engel did not violate the Rules of Professional Conduct in her conduct, but did find that there was a
While sexual relations are rarely appropriate, even when permitted by the Rules of Professional Responsibility, raping one’s client is an atrocity so against the integrity of the legal profession, it is unlikely a lawyer charged with raping his client will prevail with the State Bar.
The Ethics Committee of the North Carolina State Bar should address limits and guidelines to sharing video deposition testimony.
LegalZoom sues the North Carolina State Bar in an antitrust lawsuit for refusing to register it’sits do-it-yourself legal documents as prepaid legal plans marketed to individuals and small business in North Carolina.
North Carolina Senator Bill Cook filed the bill to help Judge Jerry Tillett, who was publicly reprimanded by the state's Judicial Standards Commission and now faces sanctions from the State Bar.
In a guest post, the Brocker Law Firm explores the ethics of social media as an e-discovery tool.
The Texas Governor and 2016 presidential hopeful is seeking to avoid trial at all costs.
Prosecutors say Texas Governor Rick Perry committed two felonies. He insists he was just doing his job.