
Featuring longer form articles, CLO award winners, and guest contributions from Campbell Law School professors and local attorneys.

Thwarting Equality and Justice for All [Updated]

May 22, 2013

Updated June 7, 2013: The North Carolina General Assembly House voted on Wednesday, June 5 to repeal the Racial Justice Act on a 77 to 39 vote.  The vote was split strictly along party lines, with no Democrats supporting repeal and only one Republican representative opposing repeal.  The Senate ...[Continue Reading]

So then, it’s settled: Or is it?

March 29, 2012

It has happened to many lawyers.  After countless hours of negotiations, the parties believe they’ve reached a settlement agreement.  But instead of rejoicing in the resolution, they find themselves locked in renewed conflict after the “deal” falls through. Usually this happens for one of ...[Continue Reading]

Letter from the Editor

March 28, 2012

  Recently, I have become more keenly aware of one of my quirkier attributes.  I have an aversion to technology.  I am a 27-year-old soon-to-be young professional who, for all intents and purposes, fears the inevitable direction that technology is moving. Two recent events spurred this ...[Continue Reading]
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