Criminal Law

How Long is Too Long?

February 20, 2025

Stopping a vehicle for speeding, writing a ticket, and sending that person on their way is on the “simple” side of the spectrum. Complexity arises with continued questioning, K’9’s, or asking drivers to step out of their vehicles. These additional factors suddenly create a growing issue: how long is too long for a traffic stop? [...]

Juvenile Status Offenders: Let Them Have Their Day [Out of] Court

February 15, 2022

 Status Offenders: Guilty of Youthful Offenses There are two types of juveniles represented within North Carolina’s juvenile justice system: status offenders, otherwise known as simply “undisciplined” juveniles and delinquent juveniles.  Delinquent juveniles typically draw the attention of the public eye, as they are the minors that commit “adult” level offenses, such as robbery, vehicle theft, or assault with a deadly weapon.  Status offenders, however, commit offenses that are [...]

Insurrection at the Capitol Revives Debate Over Statute Outlawing Domestic Terrorism

January 19, 2021

Currently, there is no federal law or crime that directly addresses and outlaws “domestic terrorism.” Thus, domestic terrorism is not a chargeable criminal offense. Despite the fact that lawmakers, experts, and the media have identified the reprehensible events of January 6th as domestic terrorism, prosecutors cannot actually charge the rioters specifically with domestic terrorism. [...]