
Gene Editing from a Global Perspective: The Ethical Battle

March 14, 2024

The editing of genome cells is used in a number of ways, including treating and preventing hereditary diseases.  A first case look includes a “brave” scientist by the name of He Jiankui of Shenzhen, China’s Southern University of Science and Technology, shocked the world by unveiling his unique experiment where he secretly modified the embryos of nine different couples who had biological fathers with HIV positive genes and mothers with HIV negative genes.  [...]

The Ethics and Implications of Classical Conditioning

January 21, 2024

Behavior modification is a simple concept with complex implications.  Simply put, behavior modification “conditions” the participant to engage or cease a behavior through “learning.”  The premise of changing behavior is easily understood when the participant consents. [...]

Words matter: Overcoming discrimination with dignity in how we discuss mental illness

September 27, 2019

The notion of being “politically correct” has been in the spotlight for a substantial period of time, consistently generating an ever-expanding list of terms that are better excluded from polite conversation.  I’m sure we can all think of words and phrases that were perfectly acceptable, even preferred, during our respective childhoods that have since fallen out of favor, being deemed cruel, unkind, dismissive, or disparaging.  I’m equally sure that we all know someone who, at some [...]

Racial Justice Act Case Attorneys Admonished But Not Further Disciplined for Actions in Presenting Misleading Affidavits

September 28, 2015

The North Carolina State Bar ruled that Gretchen Engel, an attorney who participated in the first case heard under the Racial Justice Act, did not violate the Rules of Processional Conduct for attorneys.  A complaint was filed anonymously against Engel charging her with providing inaccurate information to the judge presiding over the case.  The disciplinary panel of the State Bar found that Engel did not violate the Rules of Professional Conduct in her conduct, but did find that there was a [...]

Lawyer Charged with Raping Client

September 21, 2015

While sexual relations are rarely appropriate, even when permitted by the Rules of Professional Responsibility, raping one’s client is an atrocity so against the integrity of the legal profession, it is unlikely a lawyer charged with raping his client will prevail with the State Bar. [...]
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