
Articles discussing lawsuits filed across the country under a variety of circumstances.

Disney Sued Over its Ride Access Policy for Disabled Park Patrons

December 21, 2015

Disney theme parks have been sued over their Disability Access Service Card system for not sufficiently accommodating autistic patrons as a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, but Disney has responded that it is only required to make one policy to cover disabled patrons as a whole, not on a case-by-case basis. [...]

Not knowing where to go when you have to go

November 9, 2015

The Obama administration is voicing its support for Gavin Grimm, a sixteen-year-old transgender boy who was recently told by a federal judge that he is not allowed to use the boy’s bathroom. [...]

A Juicy Lawsuit

October 19, 2015

Welch Foods is under fire for allegedly inferring that its fruit snacks are healthy, without actually stating that the snacks are healthy. [...]

EEOC Urges University of Denver Law School to Increase Female Law Professor Pay to comply with Equal Pay Act

October 5, 2015

Earlier last month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) determined that female law professors at the University of Denver’s Sturm College of Law were illegally paid less than men, in violation of the Equal Pay Act.  The EEOC found that the pattern of unequal pay disparities for female law professors as opposed to their counterpart male law professors at the University of Denver was a “continuing pattern” dating back to 1973. After this pay discrepancy was brought to the [...]

Cheating Isn’t Cheap

September 21, 2015

A major dating site was hacked, and it is costing the site and its users more than just money. [...]

The Cake is Not a Lie

August 24, 2015

Religious freedom is not an excuse for discrimination, says the Colorado Court of Appeals. [...]

Lawsuit over teen used as rape-bait can proceed

August 17, 2015

A federal appeals court allows a lawsuit against an Alabama school board to continue in regards to a 14-year-old female student who was used by a school employee in a plot to catch another student deemed to be an alleged sexual predator. [...]
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