The newest articles featured on our homepage.
Parents struggle to afford adequate care for their children while they work to pay the bills.
Arkansas, along with fifteen other states, have made moves to stop Medicaid funds from going to Planned Parenthood.
By overriding President Obama’s veto and enacting the “9/11 Victim’s Bill,” Congress created a variety of potential problem for the U.S.
What’s up with WhatsApp’s privacy Policies?
Does federal law limit free speech by deciding which trademark names are too offensive to receive a patent?
Questions are looming after lawyer Nathan DeSai, turned his gun on nine innocent people outside of his Texas home.
The Colombian people decided to vote against the peace accords between the Colombian government and the FARC rebels.
The fate of many seeking help is now in question.
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore faces backlash after issuing an order for state judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, in direct conflict with the Supreme court of the United States.
21 kids sue the Obama Administration, stating it has failed to make progress on climate change for future generations.
While Samsung says their phones are now safe, the multi-million-dollar company may have to work harder to regain consumer trust.
A Fayetteville teacher is on paid leave and has received death threats after stomping on the American flag during a civics lesson.
There is a rising trend of violence against women who say they are not interested.
After allegations of fraud and misrepresentation, ITT Technical Institute has declared bankruptcy. While shutting the school down prevents students from enrolling in the sham of a school, problems remain for both the student’s futures as well as taxpayers.
A Canadian judge is in hot water after making off-color comments regarding a sexual assault victim and insinuating that she played a role in causing her own attack.