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Crime does pay…the State

May 16, 2016

North Carolina’s “drug taxes” on substances ranging from marijuana to moonshine are reaping a major reward. [...]

Will gerrymandering in North Carolina ever come to an end?

February 29, 2016

Given North Carolina’s history with redistricting and its continuous struggle with gerrymandering district lines, a recent lawsuit regarding the 2011 redistricting forced North Carolina legislators to take another look at the district lines. [...]

Clean water is a right, not a privilege

February 15, 2016

The Flint water crisis has devastated the world after investigations have shown a toxic amount of lead and other pathogens in the water supply of Flint, Michigan. [...]

As the Super Bowl nears, cities face relocation fears

February 1, 2016

With the recent St. Louis Rams football team moving to Los Angeles, and claiming the “State of the Art” Clause to get out of their contract with the city of St. Louis, questions arise regarding the conscionability and legality of such clauses in permitting professional football teams to just up and leave a city. [...]

Protecting the door without fencing it in

December 21, 2015

As the EU struggles to recover from the recent terrorist attacks, while simultaneously trying to address the continued influx of refugees, the fate of the Schengen Zone as well as those seeking asylum hangs in the balance. [...]
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