The newest articles featured on our homepage.
North Carolina’s “drug taxes” on substances ranging from marijuana to moonshine are reaping a major reward.
The nation’s largest bar prep course is falling short of its duties under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
In the midst of forever advancing technology, can applications such as Snapchat be held liable for wrecks caused as a result of distracted drivers’ usage?
The Campbell Law Observer was the most rewarding experience in law school.
Even with the Equal Pay Act, women and minorities are still being paid substantially less than their male counterparts in the workplace.
The NC General Assembly knocks out the Charlotte City Council’s recent ordinance providing discrimination protections for the LGBT community, but the legislation does so much more.
Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of the United States reversed a decision of the Alabama Supreme Court that failed to recognize the validity of a same-sex adoption ordered by a Georgia court on the ground that the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision ran afoul to the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution.
Given North Carolina’s history with redistricting and its continuous struggle with gerrymandering district lines, a recent lawsuit regarding the 2011 redistricting forced North Carolina legislators to take another look at the district lines.
The Flint water crisis has devastated the world after investigations have shown a toxic amount of lead and other pathogens in the water supply of Flint, Michigan.
With the recent St. Louis Rams football team moving to Los Angeles, and claiming the “State of the Art” Clause to get out of their contract with the city of St. Louis, questions arise regarding the conscionability and legality of such clauses in permitting professional football teams to just up and leave a city.
Juveniles are psychologically susceptible to being coerced into false confessions and yet there are few safeguards in place to prevent these confessions.
Safe Harbor, the agreement that allowed free exchange of data with EU countries, has been declared invalid by the European Union Court of Justice.
Martin Shkreli’s arrest for securities fraud calls into question what will happen to his recent purchase of the Wu Tang’s special $2 million dollar album.
As the EU struggles to recover from the recent terrorist attacks, while simultaneously trying to address the continued influx of refugees, the fate of the Schengen Zone as well as those seeking asylum hangs in the balance.
President Obama signs new bill on December 10, 2015 that replaces the Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind Act.