Articles by Katie King

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About Katie King (13 Articles)
Katie King is a third year law student and serves as Managing Editor for the Campbell Law Observer. Originally from Calabash, NC, Katie went to NC State University where she received a Bachelor of Arts in History. During her second year, Katie worked in real estate at Brady Law Firm located in Raleigh, as well as in the Chambers of The Honorable Judge John M. Tyson at the NC Court of Appeals. Her legal interests include corporate law, real property, and estate planning.

Preservation and protection for our pond friends?

February 2, 2018

The Supreme Court has granted certiorari in a case involving an endangered species of frog to determine whether the designation of privately-owned land as “critical habitat” is authorized under the Endangered Species Act. [...]

The Second Circuit rerolls the “Stone”

October 12, 2017

An appellate court has re–opened a defamation case against Rolling Stone concerning a 2014 article about campus rape, which may present some difficulties for the magazine owners’ ability to sell. [...]

To speak freely: the college campus debate

August 16, 2017

Amid the free speech crisis erupting on college campuses, North Carolina has passed a law to ban “free speech zones” in an effort to promote diversity of thought in its public universities. [...]


February 20, 2017

The NFL’s attempt to suppress wages of their cheerleaders may violate the Anti-trust act. [...]