Articles by Matthew Parker

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About Matthew Parker (1 Articles)
Matthew G. Parker is a guest contributor for the CLO and a second-year law student at Campbell University’s Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law in Raleigh, NC. A third-generation auctioneer licensed in both North and South Carolina, Matthew is recognized by the National Auctioneers Association as one of approximately 170 Benefit Auction Specialists and 50 Contract Auction Specialists in the world. Matthew works with his family at Parker Benefit Auctions, conducting benefit auction events for nonprofits, and he also enjoys teaching continuing education courses for North Carolina auctioneers. Matthew graduated first in his class from North Carolina State University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in biological and agricultural engineering, concentrating in both environmental engineering and agricultural engineering, and with a minor in soil science. In his spare time, Matthew enjoys baling hay, growing squash, engineering wood-framed structures with fewer than three stories, designing irrigation and drainage systems, working with NC State University as an arc flash consultant, raising cattle, and selling farm-to-freezer beef raised on his family’s fourth-generation farm in Carthage, NC, as well as managing Innovative Agricultural Technologies, LLC, a farm equipment engineering firm serving historically undermechanized sectors of the agricultural industry. Along with four other joint inventors, Matthew holds a provisional patent on the Pine Bine, a device that mechanically removes sticks and pine cones from pine straw.

Opinion: Garner and Wake Forest’s Parade Cancellations May Be Unconstitutional

January 13, 2020

The towns of Garner and Wake Forest cancelled their 2019 Christmas parades after the Sons of Confederate Veterans announced that the group planned to include floats in the parades.  Wake Forest Police Chief Jeff Leonard explained that the town cancelled the parade because the town feared that the Sons of Confederate Veterans would draw protests from outsiders.  Chief Leonard explained: Groups that contact us about their plans to protest tend to follow our rules and regulations.  We’re [...]