
The Legal World Behind Podcasts

February 3, 2025

In 2024 alone, more than 30 million podcast episodes were published, and over 500 million people were recorded as active listeners of podcasts.  Needless to say, podcasts have become a very popular form of digital entertainment. [...]

Who Owns What: How to Classify Ownership of a Chatbot’s Generated Content

February 28, 2024

Tracing ChatGPT back to its conception, the core of the programming was always the Language Learning Model.  By being able to access and compress a large number of data points into a uniquely generated output mimicking speech patterns, chatbots seem to be a supreme combination of search engines and research tools.  [...]

The Copyright War on Recipes in the Kitchen

February 5, 2024

However, copyright laws, though helpful for larger works such as cookbooks and websites, may not be as accessible to those who create their culinary works through other individual platforms, such as food blogs, videos, and podcasts.  Social media outlets create inclusive communities to build networks both to share recipes and also to copy recipes without giving credit where it is duly earned.  In order to combat this, it may be up to those communities to create a shared space of respect and appreciation without relying on the legal system.  [...]

Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now…On My Way to Receiving a Copyright-Protected Title for My Choreographic Work

April 9, 2021

Every culture has its own customs, rituals, behaviors, beliefs, dress, and languages.  These cultures may be united in a broad context, such as living on a particular continent, or in a narrow context, such as working in a specified field found within a one-mile radius.  Dancers are no different, for they breathe a culture all of their own.  The term “dancers” may encompass the performers for any of the forms of dance found within, such as ballet, contemporary, tap, hip-hop, jazz, cheer, [...]

Same Old Song and Dance

April 7, 2015

Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke are not the first musicians to get into legal trouble for copying another artist's work, whether intentionally or unintentionally. [...]