
Lawyers as Counselors: Preparing Law Students and Practitioners to Face Clients’ Mental Health Concerns

March 8, 2019

Every attorney is all but guaranteed to encounter clients with either acute or chronic mental health conditions that will have some bearing upon their case – from their capacity to simply convey the facts of their situation in an intake interview to the presentation of an insanity defense to the possibility of having to initiate involuntary commitment proceedings.  Clients are often in the midst of major life stressors, severe trauma, or grief.  They may be plagued by a substance use [...]

Why does North Carolina’s Certificate of Need Law Matter? It depends who you ask

February 1, 2019

The debate surrounding North Carolina’s Certificate of Need (“CON”) Law is not new, nor has a clear winner ever been declared.  That may be about to change.  A 2018 lawsuit filed by a Winston Salem surgeon will potentially set the stage for courts to declare a winner.  North Carolina’s CON law requires healthcare providers to obtain approval from the state (a CON) prior to expanding their facilities or purchasing certain types of equipment.  Dr. Gajendra Singh, the surgeon behind [...]

THE CARAVAN: human tragedy or invasion?

November 8, 2018

A caravan of approximately 5,000 people seeking asylum due to conditions in their home countries, such as gang violence, is making its way to the United States. As they approach, the United States President has categorized this movement as an invasion of the United States. [...]

Women in Law Organization at Campbell School of Law to Participate in Ovarian Cancer Walk & 5K Run

September 23, 2018

RALEIGH—For the second straight year, Campbell Law’s Women in Law Student Organization will participate in the annual Gail Parkins Ovarian Cancer Walk and 5K Run. The event will occur at Sanderson High School in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday, October 27, 2018. Several members of the organization will be walking and running to raise money in support of ovarian cancer research at Duke University Medical Center.   While the Duke Ovarian Cancer Research Program is partially funded [...]

Campbell Law School Intellectual Property Law Society presents ‘AI and Patents Promises and Pitfalls’ symposium and CLE

September 18, 2018

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA (Sept. 18, 2018) — The Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law Intellectual Property Law Society and the Triangle Intellectual Property Law Association will host an intellectual property law symposium, “AI and Patents: Promises and Pitfalls,” from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21, at Campbell  Law School, 225 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, North Carolina. The symposium, which will focus on AI, software, and patent law, includes a [...]

More Monsters hiding in Hawkins, Indiana

April 20, 2018

Unknown to many viewers, the hit Netflix show Stranger Things has a strange real-life backstory. The creators of the show, the Duffer Brothers, are now being accused of plagiarism by short film director Charlie Kessler. [...]
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