Justice is served without cake in a case of racial terrorism in West Georgia.
Following the installation of Magic Johnson as general manager of the Lakers, and the removal of Jim Buss, the family now goes to court to see who should control the Lakers.
With the election of a new President, the future environmental policies of the United States could contradict Juliana v. United States.
The Trump administration recently placed itself into the middle of the transgender law debate by rescinding previous federal guidance that allowed transgender students to use school bathrooms and changing facilities of their choice. Like most aspects of current transgender issues, the impact of the Trump administration’s decision has been widely debated.
After a contentious confirmation hearing, Jeff Sessions is the new Attorney General and the rest of the country is poised to see if he performs his new role consistent with his conservative record.
The largest health insurance company in the U.S. is sued by the DOJ in a complex fraud scheme
Man charged with arson after his pacemaker turns him in.
Michael Flynn is forced to resign after it is confirmed that he spoke with Russians about sanctions imposed by President Obama.
Neurosurgeon Christopher Duntsch terrorized patients for years after they trusted him under the knife.
Puerto Rico pleads for a bailout to their debt crisis.
A re-invigorated bill proposed in the 115th Congressional Session this month could spell for a potential shakeup in the Ninth Circuit Judiciary.
The NFL’s attempt to suppress wages of their cheerleaders may violate the Anti-trust act.
In a recent lawsuit, the Baylor football program is under fire for their inappropriate recruiting tactics and the behavior of its players.
The Eighth Circuit held that a college’s mandatory drug testing policy constitutes an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment.
The United States is facing a massive health crisis in the face of epidemic opioid addiction rates. But what are we doing about it?