President Obama signs new bill on December 10, 2015 that replaces the Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind Act.
Each year BLSA co-hosts a Christmas party with My Goal Our Mission Inc. to bring Christmas to children in our local community.
University “safe spaces” create a new conversation about free speech
With the Fifth Circuit’s decision to not halt deportation of immigrants and the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, France, there is a nationwide debate regarding immigration, national security, and allowing refugees inside the United States.
Isolated incidents of harassment may now support hostile work environment claims.
After the Eighth Circuit refused to deny the argument that the opt-out option to the contraception mandate of the Affordable Care Act violated employers’ religious freedoms, the Supreme Court agreed to take on and consolidate seven cases regarding this issue to hopefully give proper guidance on whether the opt-out accommodation violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Police officers who work inside the public school systems across the nation lack the training to work with children, and therefore, contribute to the influx of students being pushed into the “school-to-prison pipeline.”
Finding post-release employment for ex-offenders is extremely difficult, but it may be getting easier, thanks to President Obama’s “ban the box” initiative.
When it comes to refugees seeking asylum in the European Union (“EU”), it is not as easy as “just saying no.” Legally speaking, human rights trump all, regardless of the cost. This has created a Catch-22 that is testing the mettle of the twenty-eight member states.
The European Union has decided not to apply a value-added tax to the exchange of virtual currencies. Will this ruling affect how the IRS treats virtual currencies?
The North Carolina Court of Appeals held that a spouse crying was not a “communication” covered under martial privilege for purposes of determining whether a spouse could testify that her spouse cried in reaction to reading a newspaper article.
Is it permissible for a judge to require someone found guilty to either pay the fee or give a pint of blood?
The Obama administration is voicing its support for Gavin Grimm, a sixteen-year-old transgender boy who was recently told by a federal judge that he is not allowed to use the boy’s bathroom.
A United States citizen applying for refugee status in Canada based on fear for his life due to his race hopes to be one of the very few refugee applicants who is granted refugee status. Whether his application will be granted will be determined on whether his fear is “well-founded.”
Questions surround the implementation of a new “critical mass” system at the University of California at Berkley’s Law School that left some first-year sections without any black students.