
Monetization of Memes: Who Owns Internet Culture?

October 13, 2021

John Travolta is confused.  He is confused in the doll aisle of a toy store, confused about an answer on the TV show Jeopardy!, and even confused and alone inside the late-night diner in Edward Hopper’s famous painting, “Nighthawks.”  But these are not promotional trailers for a new HBO Max series or Netflix original movie.  Looking around various locations in his black suit and bolo tie, John Travolta is the subject of a form of shared cultural consciousness prevalent across the [...]

To Ban or Not To Ban: The Death Penalty in Limbo

September 14, 2021

The idea of capital punishment and its legality have enveloped the news and media for centuries.  But where did the death penalty come from, how has it developed over time, and how much longer will it be around? [...]

Supreme Inaction: Words from the Bench and Implications of Texas’s S.B. 8

September 2, 2021

In the late hours on Wednesday, September 1, the Supreme Court of the United States denied an emergency request by abortion and women’s health providers for an injunction barring enforcement of Texas’s Senate Bill 8. S.B. 8 is a restrictive law that bans most abortions after as early as six weeks of pregnancy and allows private citizens to file civil lawsuits against abortion providers. The late-night decision arrived by way of the Supreme Court’s shadow docket (a topic that has been [...]

The Campbell Law Veterans Pro Bono Project: Discharge Upgrades

May 21, 2021

For two out of my three years at Campbell Law, I had the honor to serve as one of the Managing Partners for the Student Pro Bono Council’s Veterans Project. The Project was able to transition from not having any pro bono services to now the most recent recipient of the Outstanding Project in Pro Bono and Public Service award. This was all due to our recent restructuring of the Project and mission related to providing pro bono discharge upgrade services for veterans. Read below to learn more about the Project and the discharge upgrade process. [...]

The Commodification of the Human Body & the Legal Status of Body Parts

May 15, 2021

The common law says very little about our rights to dispose of or profit from our bodies. If body parts are given value, then that puts a price on human life. The failure to address this issue has led to the promulgation of just that issue, regardless of whether society is ready to confront it. [...]

What in the World are NFTs? A Primer

May 14, 2021

"Now what the heck's an NFT? Apparently cryptocurrency, everyone's making so much money, can you please explain what's an NFT?" - Pete Davidson of Saturday Night Live [...]

Blanket Immunity in the Face of COVID-19: Disparate Public Policy Impact for North Carolina Nursing Home Residents

May 1, 2021

As COVID-19 began to sweep the nation in the Spring of 2020, many state governments began taking measures to protect the nation’s health care workforce during such unprecedented times. Among these measures were actions taken by state officials from both the executive and legislative branches that aimed to mitigate health care workforce barriers, slow the spread of COVID-19, and shield health care providers from civil liability for COVID-19-related claims. Many argue that these state actions, [...]

NRA Corruption Allegations and Gun Policy

April 21, 2021

With an annual spending budget of roughly $250 million, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a highly influential force in American politics.  Established in 1871, the NRA has developed into one of the most influential advocacy organizations in the U.S. and boasts over five million members.  Initially founded as a recreational group, the NRA later entered the lobbying realm in 1934, sending mail advertisements to members regarding potential firearms bills.  It transformed into a [...]

Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now…On My Way to Receiving a Copyright-Protected Title for My Choreographic Work

April 9, 2021

Every culture has its own customs, rituals, behaviors, beliefs, dress, and languages.  These cultures may be united in a broad context, such as living on a particular continent, or in a narrow context, such as working in a specified field found within a one-mile radius.  Dancers are no different, for they breathe a culture all of their own.  The term “dancers” may encompass the performers for any of the forms of dance found within, such as ballet, contemporary, tap, hip-hop, jazz, cheer, [...]

Shedding Light on the Supreme Court’s Shadow Docket

April 2, 2021

The Supreme Court of the United States as an institution is often praised for its transparency and articulate reasoning that serves as a lodestar for judges, scholars, and law students.  When opinions are handed down, they are closely studied for legal arguments that eventually make their way back to court in other cases. The standard operating procedure to have a case heard before the Court is a long and often slow process that prioritizes careful decision-making over speed.  A lawyer will [...]

Redlining In North Carolina: A Pervasive Legacy

March 19, 2021

It is no secret that North Carolina has a rather dismal history of upholding racial segregation.  In the Jim Crow era, cities like Winston Salem and Asheville embraced racist policies designed to enforce segregation, particularly in housing.  The legacy of these practices has led to devastating consequences that can clearly be seen today.  As national lawmakers and local leaders attempt to find a way to remedy the wrongs of the past, a clear-cut path has yet to emerge. [...]
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