The production of a popular condiment has some Irwindale, California residents holding their noses.
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Campbell Law was included in a list compiled by The National Jurist which named the top private law schools for the best value
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Aereo used cloud computing to change the way we watch TV, but the Supreme Court has held that its transmissions violated copyright law.
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The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals held that obtaining a criminal defendant’s cell phone location data without a warrant violated the defendant’s Fourth Amendment privacy rights.
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Rapid technological growth makes it difficult for consumers and casual internet users to properly protect their personal information.
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Prisoner of war Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has come home, but the deal made for his return was legally questionable.
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Kia Scott was disbarred on May 6, 2014 by a Hearing Panel of the Disciplinary Hearing Commission.
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In light of the recent California Judicial Bar’s proposed amendment which may prohibit judges from being members of the Boy Scouts, will North Carolina judges also be prohibited from participating in Boy Scouts?
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On June 12, 2014, the Supreme Court of North Carolina struck down the state’s first local ordinance banning the use of cellphones while driving.
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Computer hacking has become a powerful tool for world powers, though it is becoming unclear whether or not hacking is harming some of our basic liberties.
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Those who are concerned with the possible negative environmental effects of the fracking process staunchly oppose the passage of the Energy Modernization Act, yet many laud the bill as a way to provide energy and jobs for North Carolinians.
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The California Judicial bar is proposing an amendment which would effectively prohibit Judges from being members of the Boy Scouts of America.
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The presiding judge and lead prosecutor established a “personal and emotional relationship” during the course of a capital murder trial.
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“Hacking” is a drain on the United States’ economy in large part because of how much we value intellectual property. This value is not always shared by our economic competitors.
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The daughter of Raging Bull screenwriter emerges victorious against MGM despite waiting eighteen years to file a copyright suit.
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