
What is Reasonable? The Use of Force in Compelling Blood Samples for DWI Charges

February 21, 2013

The Arrest Around 11 p.m. on July 12, 2010, a truck pulled into the parking lot of a Winston Salem gas station,with Kevin Deon Wilson in the driver’s seat.  Although Wilson later denied driving the truck, whose owner was also in the vehicle, he was arrested and charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving with a revoked license.  Despite the relatively commonplace nature of the charges against Wilson, what followed his arrest was far from expected. The officer on the [...]

Super Bowl Renews Efforts to Thwart Human Trafficking

February 21, 2013

 When most people think about the Super Bowl, parties, finger foods, and funny commercials come to mind, but not human trafficking.  Yet cities hosting major sporting events such as the Olympics, the World Cup, and the Super Bowl have been surrounded by increases in prostitution and human trafficking. Sporting events attract thousands of visitors to the host cities, and millions of dollars in revenue are infused into the city’s economy.  The combination of money and potential customers [...]

Attorney-Client Privilege Versus the Public’s Right to Know

February 20, 2013

A redistricting plan that pleases everyone simply does not exist.  As Justice Hudson put it in her dissent to the North Carolina Supreme Court’s most recent redistricting decision, “[R]edistricting litigation is virtually inevitable every ten years. . . .”  But the controversy surrounding the General Assembly’s latest redistricting plan posed a unique question for the courts that casts new light on a centuries-old doctrine: the attorney-client privilege. The story begins in early [...]

A Leaked Justice Department Document Discusses Targeted Killing of U.S. Citizens Abroad

February 14, 2013

A president’s wartime power has been a subject of both interest and tension since this county was founded.  The United States has seen President Adams’ infamous Alien and Sedition Acts, which punished any American citizen who spoke out against the government and legalized deportation of illegal aliens.  Then President Roosevelt authorized the internment of Japanese individuals living in the United States in 1942.  For both Adams and Roosevelt, preserving national security was more [...]

Prove it! Musings on advocacy, evidence, and the problems of proof at trial: Cross-Examination by the Numbers

February 5, 2013

 We’re all familiar with them, those classic cross-examination tips that, if applied correctly, will win your case and make you famous.  Irving Younger gave us “The 10 Commandments of Cross-Examination.”  Who can forget how Roy Black destroyed the State’s witness in the Robert Kennedy Smith rape trial?  Of course, there’s Tom Cruise from “A Few Good Men.”  For the more senior members of the audience, we all remember how Perry Mason won every case on cross-examination.  In [...]

Delay Granted to Texas Woman Hours Before Scheduled Execution

February 1, 2013

In 1997, Kimberly McCarthy of Texas was convicted of forcing her way into Dorothy Booth’s home under the pretext of borrowing some sugar, then killing 70-year-old Booth.  McCarthy proceeded to use Booth’s credit cards and attempted to pawn Booth’s wedding ring before she was caught. McCarthy was found guilty of Booth’s murder and sentenced to death by a Dallas County jury in 1998, but the Texas Court of Appeals later overturned her conviction after they discovered she had no attorney [...]

New Jersey Legislators Attempt to Halt “Snookering” Caused by Reality TV

January 23, 2013

Regardless of whether one has fallen victim to the reality television that has taken America by storm since the first episode of “Survivor” aired in early 2000, names such as Lauren Conrad, Ryan Seacrest, and even “Snooki” have become commonly recognized in homes across the nation.  While reality television shows can lead to legitimate fame for some, they can also come with a cost—particularly for towns where these shows are recorded. Many New Jersey citizens recognize their state [...]

U.S. Justice Department Versus Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson: Investigation to the Present

January 21, 2013

On December 20, 2012, the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) filed a civil rights lawsuit against Alamance County Sheriff Terry S. Johnson alleging he intentionally discriminated against Latinos.  The DOJ filed the lawsuit in the Middle District of North Carolina almost three months after having released findings from an investigation after receiving complaints about Sheriff Terry Johnson. The Investigation The two-year investigation began in June 2010 and included interviews with more than 125 [...]

Texas Supreme Court to Decide ‘Sentimental Damages for Dogs’ Case

January 10, 2013

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Texas heard oral arguments in Strickland v. Medlen, a case that may redefine how damages are calculated when personal property damage or destruction is at issue. In June of 2009, Kathryn and Jeremy Medlen’s dog, Avery, escaped from their backyard without the Medlens knowing.  Avery was later found and taken to a local animal shelter by animal control.  Jeremy Medlen went to retrieve his dog from the shelter, but did not have the money to pay the [...]

“Storage Wars” Lawsuit Uses an Old Statute to Question the “Reality” of a Popular TV Show

January 8, 2013

A contestant from “Storage Wars” has filed suit against the show’s producers alleging the show is anything but nonfiction.  The reality TV show is promoted by A&E as a true-life television show following “teams of bidders looking to score it big in the high stakes world of storage auctions.”  The show is a cross between an auction and a lottery, with contestants bidding on abandoned storage sheds in the hopes of finding something of high-dollar value inside.  David Hester is [...]

More – or Less – at Four: Potential Changes to North Carolina’s Pre-Kindergarten Program

January 3, 2013

The Right to a Sound Basic Education Article I of the North Carolina Constitution asserts that the people of this state have “a right to the privilege of education” and imposes upon the State a duty “to guard and maintain that right.”  Article IX extends the idea further by instilling responsibility in the General Assembly for providing and maintaining free public schools to which all citizens of the State will have equal access.  Though explicitly written into the state constitution, [...]

Orange County Public Smoking Ban to Take Effect in 2013

December 21, 2012

On November 21, Orange County Commissioners voted 6-1 to ban smoking in most public places.  Prior to the vote, the commissioners were presented with two gallon jars that contained more than 6,000 cigarette butts collected on Franklin Street in 2010.  Commissioner Earl McKee cast the only vote against the ban because he believes the ordinance is too broad and represents government overreach. The ban applies to all town or county-owned property, including sidewalks and parks, and also [...]

No Girls Allowed: Single-Sex Education and the U.S. Constitution

December 19, 2012

On August 13, 2012, the Wake County Public School System offered parents the opportunity to have their children educated in a single-sex learning environment.  The boys-only Wake Young Men’s Leadership Academy and the girls-only Wake Young Women’s Leadership Academy would join the ranks of more than 500 similar single-sex programs throughout the United States.  According to the News and Observer, “[d]emand was high from families attracted by old-fashioned staples such as single-sex [...]

Prove it! Musings on advocacy, evidence, and the problems of proof at trial – Admissibility of prior bad acts under NCRE 404(b): Alchemy or Analysis?

December 15, 2012

It happens all the time.  Defense counsel in a criminal case works hard to avoid opening the door to her client’s character.  The facts of the case may be bad enough, but when the prosecutor gets to ladle a generous helping of bad character evidence on top, things go from bad to worse.  But keeping the character door shut does not mean the jury will not hear about the client’s less than stellar background.  That’s where NCRE 404(b), the rule that admits prior bad acts and uncharged [...]

What happens to digital assets after death?

December 10, 2012

I still prefer the printed word, but for many people, the fastest growing portion of their book and music libraries is stored on devices like the Amazon Kindle or iPod.  But what happens to that digital content when the owner dies?  More fundamentally, is “owning” an album on iTunes or a book on a Kindle the same as owning a CD or hardcover book?  Most people probably do not give much thought to what will happen to these digital assets after death.  After all, you say, all the [...]
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