Criminal Justice

Articles focusing on prison reform and the criminal justice system.

Very Unusual Punishment

May 8, 2016

Some states offer sex offenders castration as an alternative punishment. Is it too cruel and unusual? [...]

Think before you shoot

March 21, 2016

A recent report reveals that the mentally ill and African American citizens of Los Angeles are involved in police shootings by the LAPD at a disproportionately higher number. [...]

Public defenders – where art thou?

February 1, 2016

Budget cuts in funding for public defenders in New Orleans have caused many indigent citizens to be denied their Sixth Amendment constitutional right to appointed counsel. [...]

Save Your Tears, Crying is Not Protected Communication

November 9, 2015

The North Carolina Court of Appeals held that a spouse crying was not a “communication” covered under martial privilege for purposes of determining whether a spouse could testify that her spouse cried in reaction to reading a newspaper article. [...]

Victimizing Yourself

October 19, 2015

Can minors be charged and convicted for possession and distribution of child pornography for having naked selfies of themselves on their phones? In North Carolina, the answer is yes. [...]

Campbell Law School students excel in North Carolina and across the nation: United States Attorney’s Office

September 28, 2015

Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer is taking a break from its usual editorial cycle to present first-person accounts from our law students who have enjoyed summer internships across the nation.  This is the third of four submissions to be published during the Fall 2015 semester. At the beginning of the summer, I heard someone say that some defendants are sentenced to life in prison while others earn their ticket to life in prison one conviction at a time. I spent my summer [...]
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