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Brave New World? States Take First Steps Towards Decriminalization of Hallucinogens

November 27, 2020

While the debate regarding the legalization of marijuana has occupied the forefront of the national stage, an argument to decriminalize another class of prohibited substances has also been building steam: hallucinogens.  Currently, hallucinogens like psilocybin, colloquially known as “magic mushrooms,” are classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule I drug, in the same category as heroin, LSD, and ecstasy.  Under their current classification, these drugs have no [...]

The Kids Are Not All Right: COVID-19’s Shocking Impact on Children

October 24, 2020

Many believe that one positive of the current health crisis is that children are not particularly vulnerable to the virus, but the youngest among us may bear the greatest trauma. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that one of the most vulnerable demographics during the COVID-19 pandemic is those aged 65 and older.  But with mandatory quarantines in place and over 10,000 schools across the country closing their doors, children are at an increased risk of negligence and abuse. The [...]

Always Ready, Always There, Yet Still Misunderstood: Debunking Myths About the National Guard

October 16, 2020

While the National Guard is at the forefront of the nation’s emergency response and the President’s twitter feed, many are unaware what the National Guard actually is and it’s dual military and domestic roles. This has lead to many myths about the National Guard, this article aims to debunk the various myths about the National Guard and to inform readers about the legal basis and distinctions along with the sacrifices and service of the National Guard. [...]

Hot for Contracts: How Van Halen Illustrates the Importance of Reading a Contract

October 9, 2020

Surrounding the word “contract” is an air of importance and gravity.  Indeed, one does not need a lawyer to understand that contracts carry serious legal weight­, and accordingly, potentially severe consequences for their breach.  However, contrary to popular belief, these solemn covenants are not limited to complex business arrangements between sophisticated executives.  Contracts—and their consequences—govern virtually every aspect of our daily lives in one form or another. With [...]

Supreme Court Ruling in Espinoza Has the Potential to Change School Choices for Students in Many States

October 3, 2020

The Supreme Court has had another opportunity to address the tension between the religion clauses: the Establishment Clause, which prohibits the government from establishing a religion, and the Free Exercise Clause, which requires the government to accommodate individuals to freely follow their religious beliefs or practices.  Recently, the tension has surfaced most often concerning education funding and school choice programs.  In January, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments [...]

Can’t Be Tamed: Exotic Animal Ownership Laws of North Carolina and the Federal Government

September 18, 2020

When it first premiered in March, Netflix’s hit miniseries, Tiger King, revealed a fascinating and often disquieting glimpse into the bizarre world of big cat ownership.  The show immediately became something of a cultural phenomenon, thanks to its colorful cast of characters and outlandish plot twists, but it also catapulted the plight of thousands of big cats into the national spotlight.  For the few remaining people who haven’t seen it, the core of the show revolves around a bitter [...]

The Panama Papers: A global investigation into the secret tactics of tax evasion and fraud

April 14, 2019

After the ground-breaking leak of the Panama Papers in 2016, the first US charges have been brought against four individuals in the Southern District of New York.   The encrypted documents detailed the offshore holdings of prominent figures across the globe.   In 2016, an anonymous source leaked confidential documentsto a German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), that exposed how the wealthy and elite use certain tax havens to hide their wealth and avoid paying taxes.   The [...]

Judge Strikes Down State Constitutional Amendment

April 14, 2019

Judge Collins of the Third Division of the Superior Court ruled two amendments to the North Carolina Constitution, effectuated by N.C. Session Laws 2018-117 and 2018-128are now void.  Judge Collins wrote in his opinion, “an illegally constituted General Assembly does not represent the people of North Carolina and is therefore not empowered to pass legislation that would amend the state’s constitution.”   Judge Collins is referring to when the General Assembly redrew the [...]

It’s Not A Heart Issue: A look into the recent abortion war in Iowa

April 14, 2019

When it comes to a woman’s right to an abortion, the spotlight has recently been focused on New York. However, recently there has been an abortion war in Iowa where two battles that took place that ended in a victory for the pro-abortion activists. The first battle that took place was the fight in the Iowa legislature to stop a new restrictive abortion law from being passed. The second battle consisted of the fight that ensued in the Iowa courts after the bill was signed into law. The [...]

Cell phones and the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination

April 7, 2019

Data security technologies, like those used on both Apple and Samsung cell phones, continue to provide consumers with features aimed at increasing their data security.  Apple says iPhone users unlock their phones an average 80 times a day. Samsung’s newest device allows users to unlock their phones with an on-screen fingerprint scanner.  Apple has included fingerprint technology (Touch ID) on their phones since 2013 and now offers Face ID, which allows users to unlock certain iPhones by [...]
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