Covering some of the most interesting topics of the CLO, this section highlights diverse areas of law, including sports and entertainment.
Defendant lawmakers argue the shifting of voters was a ripple effect required to remedy the constitutional defects.
Every attorney is all but guaranteed to encounter clients with either acute or chronic mental health conditions that will have some bearing upon their case – from their capacity to simply convey the facts of their situation in an intake interview to the presentation of an insanity defense to the possibility of having to initiate involuntary commitment proceedings. Clients are often in the midst of major life stressors, severe trauma, or grief. They may be plagued by a substance use
The truth is that only those officers, under those circumstances, at that scene, on that day, can truly account for both what was and was not reasonable.
The debate surrounding North Carolina’s Certificate of Need (“CON”) Law is not new, nor has a clear winner ever been declared. That may be about to change. A 2018 lawsuit filed by a Winston Salem surgeon will potentially set the stage for courts to declare a winner. North Carolina’s CON law requires healthcare providers to obtain approval from the state (a CON) prior to expanding their facilities or purchasing certain types of equipment. Dr. Gajendra Singh, the surgeon behind
The government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, commonly referred to as North Korea, has found itself under international scrutiny and condemnation once again as the subject of a recent Human Rights Watch report.
Due to the drastic increase of the number of scooters, as well as legitimate concerns for public safety, Raleigh City Council scrambled to propose new regulations to restrict the use of electric scooters while providing protections for pedestrians and motorists.
As concern for animal welfare increases, circuses and other businesses in the animal entertainment industry are forced to close their doors.
One woman’s tragic coffee spill resulted in severe burns to her midsection and a lawsuit against Starbucks.
One of the first orders of business for President Trump was to begin to repeal the ACA.
The Bundy Brothers were acquitted on all Oregon charges, but their fight is far from over.
Questions are looming after lawyer Nathan DeSai, turned his gun on nine innocent people outside of his Texas home.
There is a rising trend of violence against women who say they are not interested.
A recent federal lawsuit is once again examining whether prisons without air conditioning violate the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.
How the ever-growing cost of textbooks is impacting education in the United States and the scheme employed by book publishers to keep their pockets lined with cash.
As more women come forward with claims of sexual harassment, Roger Ailes will no longer be in charge at Fox news.