The fight for gender-identification rights is not over in the Old Dominion
As the latest appeal to the Supreme concerning North Carolina’s redistricting plan heats up, familiar lines are drawn in the sand between Democrats and Republicans.
While coups in Turkey may be common, the latest coup that occurred this year in Turkey appears to be ill-planned and is causing more problems than solutions.
The United States recently filed a complaint against the Malaysian government in which it accused high-up officials of swindling the country of out billions.
View the Proposed Ethics Opinion in Full Here A proposed ethics opinion entitled “Negotiating Private Employment with Opposing Counsel” was proposed on April 21, 2016. The proposed opinion discussed the issue of whether or not a lawyer may negotiate for employment with a law firm that represents a party on the opposite side of the matter in which the lawyer’s firm is also representing a party. In short, the answer is yes, with client consent. The opinion referenced Rule 1.7(b)(2)
The practice of “sex testing” female athletes is on shaky ground after significant flaws have been exposed in the process that has forever altered the lives of women athletes.
View the Proposed Ethics Opinion in Full Here A proposed ethics opinion entitled “Duty of Defense Counsel Appointed after Defendant Files Pro Se Motion for Appropriate Relief” was proposed at the quarterly meeting on April 21, 2016. The proposed opinion considers whether defense counsel must filed an amended Motion for Appropriate Relief or inform the court, if in defense counsel’s informed and reasonable legal opinion the pro se MAR is frivolous or cites law that is no longer valid.
Deadly force is not an option that police officers may use on a whim. It is governed by several layers of policy and precedent.
Unpaid internships are becoming increasingly popular career options for college students, but could violate labor laws.
A new policy proposed by Customs and Border Control has civil liberty advocates raising their eyebrows.
The U.S. Government has been asked to weigh in on a special education case in the 10th Circuit.
SCOTUS says that law regulating abortion clinics is unconstitutional in a 5-3 decision.
New PROMESA program gives complete control over Puerto Rico to seven member board chosen by President Obama, not elected by the people.
Britain has a long road ahead as it will inevitably struggle to make new trade agreements and deal with long-term immigration issues after its break from the European Union
Growing legislation surrounds short-term rentals such as Airbnb, which may make it more difficult for these businesses to stay in existence.