
Clean water is a right, not a privilege

February 15, 2016

The Flint water crisis has devastated the world after investigations have shown a toxic amount of lead and other pathogens in the water supply of Flint, Michigan. [...]

Would Wrongful Termination Claim be Appropriate for Employee Refusing Drug Test Conducted in Unauthorized Laboratory?

February 8, 2016

When employers terminate at-will employees for any reason or no reason, their conduct is often permissive, unless the termination is in violation of public policy, among other exceptions. However, could there be a claim for a wrongful termination action against an employer when an employee fails to submit to a drug test that is to be conducted by an unapproved laboratory? [...]

A lawsuit with a side of guac, please

February 8, 2016

Chipotle’s troubles are far from over; after food safety concerns investors are suing and a federal criminal investigation has been launched against the popular restaurant chain. [...]

Public defenders – where art thou?

February 1, 2016

Budget cuts in funding for public defenders in New Orleans have caused many indigent citizens to be denied their Sixth Amendment constitutional right to appointed counsel. [...]

As the Super Bowl nears, cities face relocation fears

February 1, 2016

With the recent St. Louis Rams football team moving to Los Angeles, and claiming the “State of the Art” Clause to get out of their contract with the city of St. Louis, questions arise regarding the conscionability and legality of such clauses in permitting professional football teams to just up and leave a city. [...]

The Mass Shooting Manifest

January 25, 2016

It seems like almost every day a person is killed by a mass shooting in the United States.  The truth is there have been many shootings in this country and the next one is impossible to predict.  Some say that wherever there are guns there will be killings.  A gun is just like a knife and just like a bomb: something that can be used to do something terrible. Most sites that present statistics on recent mass shootings either slant the information for or against gun rights.  The problem is [...]
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