The introduction of E-cigarettes has spurred litigation by those pushing back against attempts to ban and regulate their use.
An in-depth analysis of how the Health Care Transparency law upset the balance of power within the state and created problems regarding who represents North Carolina.
After experiencing consequences of the school-to-prison pipeline in the Wake County Public School System, students have decided to fight back.
After Attorney General Eric Holder levied the Department of Justice’s highest fine ever on an automobile company, many are asking whether the fine sets a precedent for similar situations involving consumer safety misinformation.
The mixed messages of today’s legal market
The city of Charlotte has been dealt a major blow, and many are wondering how the city will rebuild its booming reputation after the recent news of political corruption.
Senator Rand Paul’s suit against the NSA likely faces difficult constitutional and procedural hurdles.
The NCAA faces yet another legal battle brought by current student athletes.
The Board of Law Examiners for the State of North Carolina has confirmed that Campbell Law School ranked second among the seven North Carolina law schools for first-time bar passage on the February 2014 North Carolina Bar Exam.
Airbnb is an online service and mobile application that allows users to connect by opening up their homes to temporary visitors. It is a quick way to profit, but conflicting state law may put a quick stop to the popular service.
Students get a new perspective—practicing law is not about what you want to do for a living, but who you feel called to serve.
A recent Supreme Court of the United States decision may stall Rails-to-Trails programs in some states.
On February 3, 2010, attorney Michael H. Griffin’s trust account was the subject of a random audit.
An order was entered suspending Elaine S. Kelley from the practice of law for four years, with credit for a six month period of suspension already served as a result of a court’s suspension.
Dujuan E. Brown completed his active suspension on February 11, 2014, and then submitted a petition to stay the remaining two years. An order of reinstatement was entered on March 17, 2014, with conditions.