
North Carolina: No Longer Open For Business

April 10, 2012

Imagine being a ten-year-old child in the foster system, growing up believing that no person truly loves you and feeling as if you are only seen as a quick solution to a monetary need. Feeling lonely and desperate, you run away. Running away seems like a great option because this way, you become ...[Continue Reading]

So then, it’s settled: Or is it?

March 29, 2012

It has happened to many lawyers.  After countless hours of negotiations, the parties believe they’ve reached a settlement agreement.  But instead of rejoicing in the resolution, they find themselves locked in renewed conflict after the “deal” falls through. Usually this happens for one of ...[Continue Reading]

Information Security: Show me your Password

March 29, 2012

Protect your password.  Don’t share it with anyone.  Make it complicated so no one can guess it randomly.  We do these things because our passwords safeguard our financial and personal worlds.  We have passwords for our bank accounts, email, smart phones, and computers.  We even have ...[Continue Reading]

Message from Dean Essary

March 28, 2012

Melissa Essary It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the new and improved Campbell Law Observer.  For decades, this publication has served as a vehicle for disseminating legal journalism across the state.  Attorneys, judges and students received the Campbell Law Observer in print ...[Continue Reading]

Letter from the Editor

March 28, 2012

  Recently, I have become more keenly aware of one of my quirkier attributes.  I have an aversion to technology.  I am a 27-year-old soon-to-be young professional who, for all intents and purposes, fears the inevitable direction that technology is moving. Two recent events spurred this ...[Continue Reading]

Global Intellectual Property Law Comes to Campbell

March 28, 2012

On Friday, March 16, the Campbell Law Review hosted their annual symposium at Campbell Law School.  Entitled, “The New Global Convergence: Intellectual Property, Increasing Prosperity, and Economic Networks in the Twenty-First Century,” the symposium focused on intellectual property in the ...[Continue Reading]
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