
Featuring longer form articles, CLO award winners, and guest contributions from Campbell Law School professors and local attorneys.

Opinion: Garner and Wake Forest’s Parade Cancellations May Be Unconstitutional

January 13, 2020

The towns of Garner and Wake Forest cancelled their 2019 Christmas parades after the Sons of Confederate Veterans announced that the group planned to include floats in the parades.  Wake Forest Police Chief Jeff Leonard explained that the town cancelled the parade because the town feared that the Sons of Confederate Veterans would draw protests from outsiders.  Chief Leonard explained: Groups that contact us about their plans to protest tend to follow our rules and regulations.  We’re [...]

International legal rights of children living with disabilities: The realizations behind country-level implementation

April 1, 2019

International guidelines paint a relatively clear picture of the legal rights that all children living with disabilities share across the globe. These rights apply regardless of the region in which the child lives. The rights are inherently fundamental. These international human rights standards serve as excellent guidelines for countries looking to adopt and modernize their disability laws.  However, country-level implementation of these international laws on an individual country basis can [...]

Taking a stand by not standing at all

October 17, 2017

The National Football League has recently become a heated battleground as more players continue to engage in peaceful protests, despite comments made by President Donald Trump about standing during the national anthem. [...]

Update on Safe Harbor

March 21, 2016

The European Union and the United States have reached a temporary agreement to deal with the falling out of Safe Harbor and the distrust in transatlantic data flows. [...]
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