
Featuring longer form articles, CLO award winners, and guest contributions from Campbell Law School professors and local attorneys.

A souvenir from Panama

April 2, 2014

Students get a new perspective—practicing law is not about what you want to do for a living, but who you feel called to serve. [...]

Heads up, employers!

March 26, 2014

North Carolina’s new law broadly limits employers’ inquiries about expunged records. [...]

Note from the Editor

March 11, 2014

We outgrew our old digs—in a good way—and have transitioned to the post-Pinterest web. [...]

Copyright in the Internet Age: Choice-of-law issues in modern international media disputes

January 27, 2014

BY: KRISTOPHER HAWKINS, Guest Contributor  Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer has partnered with Judge Paul C. Ridgeway, Resident Superior Court Judge of the 10th Judicial District, to provide students from his International Business Litigation and Arbitration seminar the opportunity to have their research papers published with the CLO.  The following article is one of many guest contributions from Campbell Law students to be published over the next two weeks. The advent of [...]

Seeking justice from Chinese hackers: Attacking N.C. businesses byte by byte

January 27, 2014

Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer has partnered with Judge Paul C. Ridgeway, Resident Superior Court Judge of the 10th Judicial District, to provide students from his International Business Litigation and Arbitration seminar the opportunity to have their research papers published with the CLO.  The following article is one of many guest contributions from Campbell Law students to be published over the next two weeks. Imagine a local software corporation in North Carolina is [...]

Private Citizens can fight international terrorism through civil lawsuits

January 14, 2014

BY: Taylor Hutchens, Guest Contributor January 14, 2013 Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer has partnered with Judge Paul C. Ridgeway, Resident Superior Court Judge of the 10th Judicial District, to provide students from his International Business Litigation and Arbitration seminar the opportunity to have their research papers published with the CLO.  The following article is one of many guest contributions from Campbell Law students to be published over the next two weeks. The [...]

Human rights violations in the international context

January 13, 2014

BY: Sarah Murray, Guest Contributor  Editor’s Note: The Campbell Law Observer has partnered with Judge Paul C. Ridgeway, Resident Superior Court Judge of the 10th Judicial District, to provide students from his International Business Litigation and Arbitration seminar the opportunity to have their research papers published with the CLO.  The following article is one of many guest contributions from Campbell Law students to be published over the next two weeks. A quick search of [...]
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