Understanding the Law

Explaining court cases, statutes, and executive actions across the country, providing valuable analysis of the facts and legal impact on the public.

How do you say no when you cannot say no?

November 16, 2015

When it comes to refugees seeking asylum in the European Union (“EU”), it is not as easy as “just saying no.” Legally speaking, human rights trump all, regardless of the cost. This has created a Catch-22 that is testing the mettle of the twenty-eight member states. [...]

Save Your Tears, Crying is Not Protected Communication

November 9, 2015

The North Carolina Court of Appeals held that a spouse crying was not a “communication” covered under martial privilege for purposes of determining whether a spouse could testify that her spouse cried in reaction to reading a newspaper article. [...]

EEOC Urges University of Denver Law School to Increase Female Law Professor Pay to comply with Equal Pay Act

October 5, 2015

Earlier last month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) determined that female law professors at the University of Denver’s Sturm College of Law were illegally paid less than men, in violation of the Equal Pay Act.  The EEOC found that the pattern of unequal pay disparities for female law professors as opposed to their counterpart male law professors at the University of Denver was a “continuing pattern” dating back to 1973. After this pay discrepancy was brought to the [...]

A policy for inclusion or compelled speech?

August 31, 2015

The University of Tennessee sent a memo to its students and faculty requesting that everyone use inclusive pronouns when referring to students, instead of traditional binary pronouns. [...]

Jawbone Initiates Three Legal Actions Against Fitbit Alleging Fitbit Stole Jawbone’s Employees, Information, and Patented Ideas

August 4, 2015

Jawbone sues Fitbit claiming Fitbit stole highly confidential information from Jawbone when it “poached” Jawbone’s former employees and encouraged them to take information with them, and that there is a violation of the patents Jawbone has on activity and fitness bands resulting in a call for cease-and-desist and injunction in production of Fitbit trackers. [...]
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