In an appeal to the Second Circuit, unpaid interns argue they are entitled to compensation, as they are employees – however, the Second Circuit rules that due to the educational nature of internships, in most cases, unpaid interns are not entitled to compensation based on a primary beneficiary test.
North Carolina currently has two bills in the House that attempt to remedy the current political turmoil between law enforcement and the community with the implementation of police worn body cameras.
California passed legislation that eliminates the personal belief exemption from vaccination.
Nebraska repeals the death penalty in a landmark override vote by the state legislature.
Civil rights groups across Florida have filed a lawsuit seeking an emergency injunction in response to a new law that will impose a 24-hour waiting period on women seeking abortions after they receive “informed consent.”
In another 8-1 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States chooses to withhold First Amendment analysis in this true threats case, but instead held that 18 U.S.C. § 875(c) requires a defendant intend to communicate a threat to be guilty of communicating threats via interstate commerce.
FIFA leadership indicted for largest corruption bust ever in sports history
Despite many states’ efforts to place moratoriums on the death penalty, North Carolina lawmakers take a step toward resuming executions for the first time in nine years by passing House Bill 774, dubbed the “Restoring Proper Justice Act.”
Bills introduced by both the North Carolina Senate and House of Representatives would allow hunting on Sundays, with some restrictions.
Two congressmen are proposing a bill to place limits on how education technology companies can use information about students.
Almost five years after the Dorothea Dix Hospital property was first put up for sale, a purchase agreement between the State of North Carolina and the City of Raleigh has yet to be finalized.
Confusion in case law has led the North Carolina House of Representatives to draft HB 284 and HB 79, clarifying the law pertaining to violations of civil no-contact orders.
The Children In Families First Act (CHIFF) fails to adequately adhere to existing international law or protect the interests of unparented children abroad.
If the House of Lords votes in favor of the law, the UK will be the first country to allow the creation of a “three-parent baby.”
While legislators in New York are pushing to create a philosophical exemption to vaccination requirements, legislators in other states are moving to narrow similar personal belief exemptions.