Amidst a successful Republican election night, Governor McCrory seems to have failed.
The Florida Supreme Court ruled that a death sentence may not be imposed unless the jury recommendation is unanimous.
The legal profession has been around for centuries, but to this day there is still a problem with diversity.
Women in Saudi Arabia are denied basic human rights under a system that employs strict restrictions on everything from driving, to making healthcare decisions.
Questions have arisen after an African-American woman was denied employment due to her dreadlocked hairstyle.
A proposed mega-merger between Time Warner and AT&T could run afoul of U.S. antitrust laws.
Parents struggle to afford adequate care for their children while they work to pay the bills.
Arkansas, along with fifteen other states, have made moves to stop Medicaid funds from going to Planned Parenthood.
By overriding President Obama’s veto and enacting the “9/11 Victim’s Bill,” Congress created a variety of potential problem for the U.S.
What’s up with WhatsApp’s privacy Policies?
Does federal law limit free speech by deciding which trademark names are too offensive to receive a patent?
Questions are looming after lawyer Nathan DeSai, turned his gun on nine innocent people outside of his Texas home.
The Colombian people decided to vote against the peace accords between the Colombian government and the FARC rebels.
The fate of many seeking help is now in question.
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore faces backlash after issuing an order for state judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, in direct conflict with the Supreme court of the United States.