
The Kids Are Not All Right: COVID-19’s Shocking Impact on Children

October 24, 2020

Many believe that one positive of the current health crisis is that children are not particularly vulnerable to the virus, but the youngest among us may bear the greatest trauma. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that one of the most vulnerable demographics during the COVID-19 pandemic is those aged 65 and older.  But with mandatory quarantines in place and over 10,000 schools across the country closing their doors, children are at an increased risk of negligence and abuse. The [...]

Always Ready, Always There, Yet Still Misunderstood: Debunking Myths About the National Guard

October 16, 2020

While the National Guard is at the forefront of the nation’s emergency response and the President’s twitter feed, many are unaware what the National Guard actually is and it’s dual military and domestic roles. This has lead to many myths about the National Guard, this article aims to debunk the various myths about the National Guard and to inform readers about the legal basis and distinctions along with the sacrifices and service of the National Guard. [...]

Hot for Contracts: How Van Halen Illustrates the Importance of Reading a Contract

October 9, 2020

Surrounding the word “contract” is an air of importance and gravity.  Indeed, one does not need a lawyer to understand that contracts carry serious legal weight­, and accordingly, potentially severe consequences for their breach.  However, contrary to popular belief, these solemn covenants are not limited to complex business arrangements between sophisticated executives.  Contracts—and their consequences—govern virtually every aspect of our daily lives in one form or another. With [...]

Supreme Court Ruling in Espinoza Has the Potential to Change School Choices for Students in Many States

October 3, 2020

The Supreme Court has had another opportunity to address the tension between the religion clauses: the Establishment Clause, which prohibits the government from establishing a religion, and the Free Exercise Clause, which requires the government to accommodate individuals to freely follow their religious beliefs or practices.  Recently, the tension has surfaced most often concerning education funding and school choice programs.  In January, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments [...]

Can’t Be Tamed: Exotic Animal Ownership Laws of North Carolina and the Federal Government

September 18, 2020

When it first premiered in March, Netflix’s hit miniseries, Tiger King, revealed a fascinating and often disquieting glimpse into the bizarre world of big cat ownership.  The show immediately became something of a cultural phenomenon, thanks to its colorful cast of characters and outlandish plot twists, but it also catapulted the plight of thousands of big cats into the national spotlight.  For the few remaining people who haven’t seen it, the core of the show revolves around a bitter [...]

Signed. Sealed. Delivered?

August 11, 2020

Amid government efforts to quell correspondence of prisoners, prisoners seek to enforce their fundamental First Amendment free speech rights, compelling federal courts to discharge their duty to protect them and create a clear standard by which the government should be bound in preserving this Constitutional covenant. [...]

North Carolina Medicaid: Caught in the Middle of a Political Stand-off

May 26, 2020

North Carolina’s Medicaid program provides healthcare for 2.2 million low-income seniors, disabled persons, children, and their families.  The state Medicaid program costs over $14 billion annually, with the federal government contributing $2 for every $1 paid by the state.  Currently, the state Medicaid program operates under a fee-for-service model.  For every service that a provider renders to a Medicaid enrollee, the service is billed to the state at a predetermined reimbursement rate. [...]

Environmental Groups Petition Supreme Court to Halt Construction of Border Wall

May 15, 2020

One of the most hotly politicized issues in the United States this year is whether the President has the authority to direct the construction of a wall on the southern border between the United States and Mexico.  Passionate arguments arose from all sides of the issue, and even made its way through the court system.  In 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration has the authority to redirect funds allocated to the military towards construction of a border wall.  However, [...]
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