
Texting while someone else is driving may lead to liability in New Jersey

October 8, 2013

On September 21, 2009, eighteen-year-old Kyle Best was texting (pdf) when he crossed the double yellow lines of a New Jersey roadway in his Chevy pick-up truck and struck David and Linda Kubert on their motorcycle.  All three survived, but David and Linda each lost their left leg and suffered a number of other injuries. There was no dispute that Best was texting at the time of the accident.  Through Best’s cell phone records, obtained through discovery, the Kuberts’ attorney determined [...]

Possibility of a new murder trial for Brad Cooper

October 3, 2013

A unanimous decision by the North Carolina Court of Appeals ordered a new murder trial for Cooper last week, citing rulings made by Wake County Superior Court Judge Paul Gessner that allowed certain computer evidence and excluded a defense witness. [...]
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