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Always Ready, Always There, Yet Still Misunderstood: Debunking Myths About the National Guard

October 16, 2020

While the National Guard is at the forefront of the nation’s emergency response and the President’s twitter feed, many are unaware what the National Guard actually is and it’s dual military and domestic roles. This has lead to many myths about the National Guard, this article aims to debunk the various myths about the National Guard and to inform readers about the legal basis and distinctions along with the sacrifices and service of the National Guard. ...[Continue Reading]

Judge Strikes Down State Constitutional Amendment

April 14, 2019

Judge Collins of the Third Division of the Superior Court ruled two amendments to the North Carolina Constitution, effectuated by N.C. Session Laws 2018-117 and 2018-128are now void.  Judge Collins wrote in his opinion, “an illegally constituted General Assembly does not represent the people of ...[Continue Reading]
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